Function pathfinding::kuhn_munkres::kuhn_munkres

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pub fn kuhn_munkres<C, W>(weights: &W) -> (C, Vec<usize>)
where C: Bounded + Sum<C> + Signed + Zero + Ord + Copy, W: Weights<C>,
Expand description

Compute a maximum weight maximum matching between two disjoints sets of vertices using the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm (also known as Hungarian algorithm).

The weights between the first and second sets are given into the weights adjacency matrix. The return value is a pair with the total assignments weight, and a vector containing the column corresponding the every row.

For this reason, the number of rows must not be larger than the number of columns as no row will be left unassigned.

This algorithm executes in O(n³) where n is the cardinality of the sets.


Three people in an art gallery are interested by the same three pieces. Each of them has a budget of $300, and as if the world was perfect they each determine that this corresponds to what they are ready to pay for every piece:

  • Ann estimates the Cloth to $100, the Statue to $110, and the Painting to $90
  • Bernard estimates the Cloth to $95, the Statue to $130, and the Painting to $75
  • Claude estimates the Cloth to $95, the Statue to $140 and the Painting to $65

The gallery owner doesn’t want to totally frustrate any customer and decides to sell one piece of art to each one of them. What would be the best way to maximize the cash flow?

use pathfinding::prelude::{kuhn_munkres, Matrix, Weights};

// Assign weights to everybody choices
let weights = Matrix::from_rows(vec![
    //   Cloth, Statue, Painting
    vec![100,   110,    90],        // Ann
    vec![95,    130,    75],        // Bernard
    vec![95,    140,    65],        // Claude

// Find the maximum bipartite matching
let (cash_flow, assignments) = kuhn_munkres(&weights);

// Gallery owner receives $325, this is the maximum they can get
assert_eq!(cash_flow, 325);

// Ann gets the Painting for $90, Bernard gets the Cloth for $95,
// Claude gets the Statue for $140, which makes a total of $325
assert_eq!(assignments, vec![2, 0, 1]);

§See also

To minimize the sum of weights instead of maximizing it, use the kuhn_munkres_min() function.


This function panics if the number of rows is larger than the number of columns, or if the total assignments weight overflows or underflows.

Also, using indefinite values such as positive or negative infinity or NaN can cause this function to loop endlessly.